Recent Releases: Carrington and Slackrr

Welcome/welcome back to the blog! Today we're back with a recent releases post! This time we're talking about Carrington and Slackrr. We love both of these bands so I'm super stoked to finally be talking about their latest releases! 

Let's kick this post off by talking about Slackrr and their latest track, Holding ON. Slackrr have to be one of the hardest-working bands I've ever known. It seems they're always doing something, and I'm here for it.
Slackrr’s latest release comes in the form of Holding ON. This is an incredible track and had my attention from the get-go. I had high expectations for this track because it’s Slackrr, and they never seem to disappoint. So, when this track had my attention from the get-go, I knew this was going to be a great track! It’s got that fast-paced pop-punk feel to it. It’s such a great track and one that I am, without a doubt, a big fan of. The feel of the chorus won me over as well. Truly, such a magnificent track. The vocals on this track are on point, and the drums are as well! Those are the stand-out elements on this track for me, but overall, the whole track is insane! It’s incredible. Such a phenomenal track and one that I’m really impressed with. There’s a nice little tempo change, and it goes hard. I love the whole vibe and feel of this track. It’s incredible. This track really didn’t disappoint. It’s incredible, and I’m in love with it! Truly obsessed! 

This track really does pack a punch, and it hits the spot. It does everything you could hope it would do and more! It’s exceeded all expectations I had for this track! Well and truly in love with this track! Truly magnificent. This has to be one of my favourite tracks from Slackrr, and I really am blown away by just how incredible this track is. Every element of this track is incredible, and it really does hit the spot. I’m a big fan of this track, and I know so many other people are going to feel the same way. I am really blown away by how great this track is. 

Overall, I’d have to give this track a solid 5 out of 5 lemons! Really impressed with it. It’s really impressed me and blown me away with just how incredible it is! If you haven’t heard it already, then I’d highly recommend you change that and go and give it a listen! Truly, a magnificent track! 

Where To Find Slackrr; 

Apple Music

Now it’s time to talk about Carrington and their latest track I Can Feel The Air. I love Carrington; I think they’re a truly magnificent band and one that is far too underrated. I had pretty high expectations for this track, and I was right to have those expectations. Carrington has absolutely killed it with this track. This track is true perfection. It’s got such beautiful vocals on it, and the drums as well! Amazing. Truly phenomenal. There’s a perfect balance of rough and clean vocals on this track. I’m well and truly in love with I Can Feel The Air! 

This is one magnificent track, and one that I was right to have high expectations for because it’s Carrington, and I’d expect nothing less than a phenomenal track from them. They’re truly such an incredible band, and if you’ve never heard them before, then let this track be the track that introduces you to them! This track is truly everything I could have hoped it would be and more! Well and truly blown away by it, and I still can't comprehend just how insane it is! It's a solid track and one that really does hit the spot. This doesn't leave you wanting more because the track gives you everything you could have hoped for and more! 

I'm really impressed with this track, and I'm more than happy to give Carrington a 5 out of 5 lemons on this track! It truly is a wonderful track and one that I know so many people are going to love! I cannot recommend this track enough, so if you haven't heard it already, then please change that! 

Where To Find Carrington: 

Apple Music

Where To Find Me: 

Here on LifeIsALemon more days than not, at 7pm (UK Time) 
My Novel 
Small Band Appreciation Playlist (Spotify)
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