theonlytimehefeelsfine by Misplaced

Welcome/welcome back to the blog! Today we're back with another feature post, which comes in the form of theonlytimehefeelsfine by our wonderful friends in Misplaced. 

This song is beautiful, and it's actually made me emotional; it's made me want to cry because it's so beautiful. This track sends a strong, clear message to those listening, and it's got a sad undertone to the track, and the more you sit back and analyse the lyrics to the track, the more apparent it becomes! It's a powerful track and one I'm in love with. Some lines have me thinking of certain people, and it hits home. 

This isn't a fast-paced, punchy track, but it still packs a punch whilst being much slower than the other releases we've had from Misplaced recently. This is a track that needs to be in the style and sound that this is presented to us in for it to convey that message and for those listening, to understand the message Misplaced are conveying with the track. I don't know what I expected from the track, but with a title like theonlytimehefeelsfine, you have to anticipate the track is going to be along the theme it is. 

Whilst this is a track with a lot more of a sad undertone that conveys a powerful message and features a lot of emotion, it's still an insanely catchy track that I know, without doubt, will make its way into heavy rotation. I'm in love with this track, and there is not one element I can criticise. No, there's no major tempo change; some more subtle ones, yes, but no major tempo change. But this, isn't the track for dramatic tempo changes, this isn't the track for fast-paced, scream until you lose your voice whilst losing your shit, sort of track. This is beautiful, I am so blown away by this track. I honestly, don't know what I expected from this track, but I am so glad that this was what we got. All expectations have been exceeded, and Misplaced have killed it! 

If you haven't heard this track yet, then I cannot recommend you go and listen to this track enough! It's a wonderful track that needs to be heard by more people. Misplaced never disappoints, and this has to be a stand-out track for them. This track is phenomenal and I truly cannot recommend it enough. Please, go and spare a few minutes and give this track a listen. I'm without a doubt, giving theonlytimehefeelsfine a solid 5 out of 5 lemons! I'm in love with this track, and you truly do need to hear it! 

Where To Find Misplaced; 

Apple Music

Where To Find Me: 

Here on LifeIsALemon more days than not, at 7pm (UK Time) 
My Novel 
Small Band Appreciation Playlist (Spotify)
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