Skyline by After Elmer


Welcome/welcome back to the blog! Today we’re back yet again with another new post! Today we have yet another feature post, and this time we’re talking about our friends in After Elmer and their latest single, Skyline. I love After Elmer, they’re a great band, they never seem to disappoint, and they’re extremely underrated. 

Skyline is an incredible track, and it had my attention from the first second, and it continued to hold it for the entire duration of the track. It’s got a nice feel to it, it’s got such an infectious sound to it, and it just instantly impresses you. The intro is slightly longer with it being approximately 33 seconds, but it wasn’t too long, and I didn’t lose interest in the intro. As soon as the vocals kicked in, I was in love. I knew instantly this track was going to make its way into heavy rotation and fast. Some subtle tempo changes, the way not one element outpowers another, and the perfect balance within the sound of the track. The vocals are beautiful on this track, and this definitely is a stand-out track for me from After Elmer. This truly could be my favourite track they’ve released to date. There’s just something about it. There are elements of this track that make me think of Protect Your Heart, and I’m here for it! 

It’s a catchy track, it’s got a great vibe to it, and it truly is a really engaging track to listen to. I’m not too sure what I expected from this track, but one thing I do know is that this track has exceeded all expectations I once had for it. I’m so impressed with this track. It’s phenomenal. Great feel to it, quite refined but still unique to make it stand out from the others. I’m definitely a big fan of this track, and I do believe this is my favourite release from After Elmer to date. And if this is what After Elmer is offering, then I’m 100% here for it, and I’m super stoked to hear what comes next! I’d say this song is faultless. I can’t complain about anything. This is just an incredible great track. Nice guitar, vocals, bass, drums, lyrics, and the actual sound engineering on the track. Everything is a big yes from me, and I really would recommend going and giving this track a listen if you haven’t already because it’s great! 

To conclude, After Elmer have absolutely killed it with this track. Skyline is an absolute belter! Well and truly obsessed with this track. I could easily listen to this track on repeat for hours and not get bored of it. It’s one of those songs that, whilst it’s got a listening time close to 4 minutes long, makes time pass by so quickly, and suddenly half an hour has passed, and you’re still just vibing with the track. Honestly, such a great track. And therefore, I am more than happy to give After Elmer a solid 5 out of 5 lemons for this track! I loved every single second of this track, and I know I'm going to be listening to it a lot! So please, if you haven't already, go and give this track a listen because it truly is mind-blowing just how incredible it is! 

Where To Find After Elmer; 

Apple Music

Where To Find Me: 

Here on LifeIsALemon more days than not, at 7pm (UK Time) 
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Small Band Appreciation Playlist (Spotify)
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Recent Releases: My Latest Failure, Through Your Eyes and Autumn Fires


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