Life Is A Lemon

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Gone Forever by Protect Your Heart

Welcome/welcome back to the blog! Today we’re back with another new blog post, this time talking about our wonderful friends in Protect Your Heart. Protect Your Heart are one of those bands that just consistently set the standards for other bands so high, and I’m not lying when I say Protect Your Heart are one of my favourite bands ever. They truly are such a spectacular band, and one I love so much, so when they dropped their new song Gone Forever, it was safe to say this was all that I cared about. Seriously, it’s been over a week since its release and I still want to listen to at least 100 times a day.

The intro to this track is slightly pushing my limits, but it could be a minute long and I wouldn’t mind because it isn’t boring, and it actually holds my attention. This track is everything I could have hoped it would be and more, I absolutely adore every single second of this track. The emotion in the vocals always wins me over, and I still believe Matty has one of the best voices in music. I will die on that hill.

Of course, since this is a Protect Your Heart song, this pushes the boundaries of pop-punk, and the bridge features some incredible rough vocals. This track has a listening time of just over 4 minutes, and not one second of the track is dull, and 4 minutes doesn’t even seem long enough. This track is just one of those songs that seems to be over with too quickly, because it’s just so good! Now, I am not saying Gone Forever is Close To You or Last To Love You, but it does give it a run for their money. Close To You is my number 1, I absolutely adore that song, but Gone Forever and Last To Love You are on par with each other, for me personally. Gone Forever, just packs such a punch, and it’s just so damn good!

Protect Your Heart never disappoint, and this track is proof of that, and it really has blown me away. This track has been in heavy rotation recently, and it will continue to be in heavy rotation. I still listen to Protect Your Heart at least once a day, so Gone Forever will without a doubt be in heavy rotation. For me, Protect Your Heart are just something else. I love seeing how much they’ve grown since I first featured them on the blog. When I first came to know Protect Your Heart they had 1 song out, and about 15 monthly listeners on Spotify, so to see them now have nearly 3000 is insane. I love that for them, they truly are such a lovely, talented band, that I cannot recommend enough!

If you haven’t heard this track already, please go give this track a listen. The vocals are incredible, the drums, the guitar, just every single element of this track is phenomenal, and the lyrics are great too. I cannot recommend this track enough. Please, go and give this track a spin if you haven’t already, and if you have, then go give it another spin, because it’s incredible! You’re well and truly missing out if you haven’t listened to Protect Your Heart yet. As a result of that, I’m more than happy to give Gone Forever a solid 5 out of 5 lemons. I love this band, and this track really does showcase just how incredible they are! 

Where To Find Protect Your Heart:

Apple Music

Where To Find Me:

Here on LifeIsALemon more days than not, at 7pm (UK Time)
Small Band Appreciation Playlist (Spotify)
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